I was sharing with the List members the many accounts I had with the
descendants (second and third generations) of the war
criminals.Unfortunately but naturally, many of them found shelter in
Australia-so remote, its people were so trusting at the time. I have no idea
what was the extent of their crimes. The common theme was that these people
came from Europe after the war and kept secrets from their children.
Somehow, the children and the grandchildren had grave suspicions.
I felt very privileged to be "from the other side" as one of the descendants
put it.
My impression is that the descendants (who grew up to be Australians) were
more affected than the perpetrators. I have only anecdotal evidence but I
keep counting.
I don't know if there was a proper investigation in Bukovina (or anywhere in
the Eastern Europe). Probably not. All I know, is that the locals pointed
fingers to the perpetrators when my father (one of the few ones) fought to
be rehabilitated and was claiming compensation for the family property in
the mid-1960s.
Serah Kraft
----- Original Message -----
From: "fred love" <fredhotman_at_yahoo.com>
To: "Christian Herrmann" <cyberorange_at_gmx.de>; "HARDY BREIER"
Cc: "CZERNOWITZ-L" <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2013 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: Aw: [Cz-L] By gun and by knife.
Recently there was biographical film on Albrecht von Speer
shown on Sydney's SBS Channel.
His raise to Hitler's inner circle
his direct involvement in concentration camps
his exploitation of slave labour
he was an active participant in that misery
Yet, he was let go at the Nuremberg Trial
to live a peacefull life, get a handsome pension
travel freely to England ,have an English girlfriend
and die there peacefuly of a heart attack
(moto: I knew nothing )
Go figure this out. Justice was blind indeed.
Fred . Weisinger
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