[Cz-L] Czernowitz BMD Index database update

From: Daniel Horowitz <Daniel_at_genealogy.org.il>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2013 06:19:08 +0200
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Reply-To: Daniel Horowitz <Daniel_at_genealogy.org.il>

Dear friends,

Thanks to a small group of volunteers the "Czernowitz BMD Index
Database project" has riched 58,784 records.
You can search the database at:

By know we finish almost all the Birth records, we started the Death
records and we already have all the images for the Marriages and a few
Voters and Members lists.

The work has not finished yet.
We are still working hard to complete this project as soon as possible
and make possible for all to get an image of the actual record.

Volunteers interested to help are more than welcome to communicate
with me to get the material and instructions.

Best regards

Daniel Horowitz

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