[Plain text please --thanks]
This is the information concerning Mr Kasner.
Kasner Solomon Haskelevich
Born in 1881, Chernivtsi, a Jew, special settler, a lawyer, working 9 l =
/ n
1 n / a SWL .. Lived: Ustvymlag NKVD.
He was arrested on September 2, 1941
Sentenced:, VBOs.: Under Art. 58-13 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR ..
Sentence: 05/10/1941, died while under investigation.
Source: Memory Book of the Komi Republic--
Source attached
I hope the information will help further your search.
Marc Goldberger
> From: bruce.reisch_at_cornell.edu
> To: CZERNOWITZ-L_at_list.cornell.edu
> Subject: [Cz-L] Dr. Gustav Gershon Held of Bukovina
> Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 02:24:26 +0000
> Here is a question from George McKinney (not currently a list member). =
> anyone has information for him, please copy your reply to him at
> <georgemck_at_aol.com>. (I've already replied to him about the fate of =
> Abraham Mark.) Bruce
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Dr. Gustav Gershon Held of Bukovina
> Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 05:18:55 -0700
> From: George <georgemck_at_aol.com>
> I am seeking information on what happened to six Jewish leaders taken =
> Russia from Bucovina in 1941. They were listed in an article in the
> Jewish Telegraphic Agency 16 Oct 1941.
> =B3Abraham Mark, former Chief Rabbi of Bucovina; Theodor =
> former manager of the Palestine Office in Bucovina; Solomon Kassner,
> vice-president of the Zionist Organization and former provincial =
> of the Union of Rumanian Jews; Dr. Paul Klinger, manager of the
> Bucovinian office of the Keren Kayemeth; and Gustav Held and Moses
> Greenberg, Zionist leaders.=B2
> I have a personal interest in information on Dr. Gustav Held. I have
> accessed the Yizkor book and Shoah records for him placed by the =
> When he was last heard from he was being held in Rossosch, Russia.
> It is possible that information on the others taken at the same time
> would be useful in trying to determine what happened to Dr. Held. It =
> said that some, if not all, perished in Siberia.
> George McKinney
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