Re: [Cz-L] plain text

From: andy halmay <>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2013 04:16:07 -0700 (PDT)
Reply-To: andy halmay <>
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History <>

With 700 hours a week of computer time, Plain Text should be
a piece of cake for you.

The overwhelming reason for demanding Plain Text with no attachments and a
moderated format is that there is no way to deliver viruses, mal-ware, or spam
to the users.  Most, if not all email lists from Universities use this
approach.  Yahoo Groups,
Google Groups, etc., are NOT mailing lists per se, but data aggregators,
advertisers and data re-sellers.  You get what you pay for -- you get
'pretty',  but 'pretty' doesn't always  mean good.

Mit Respekt,

Golly-gee, Mr. Scientist, Jerome. 
I’m just a dumb farm boy who never passed mathematics in
grade eleven and your explanation is over my head.  But if you figure that ten hours, times seven days per week makes 700 then plain text can also be rationalized.  Maybe you were just trying to be funny or
nasty.  For your edification, putting in
many hours and dealing with many sites, including some universities, all of
which use rich text, makes it that much more difficult to remember to switch to
plain text for the odd time that I risk getting censored by sending a comment
to the Cz site.  Not a piece of cake at
Mit Awe,

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