Re: [Cz-L] Old map

From: iosif vaisman <>
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2013 22:19:09 -0400
Reply-To: iosif vaisman <>

>> If there was a possibility I would go and have a look.


you can have a look! The same neighborhood you've so eloquently
described in the beginning of this thread, with Jews and non-Jews in
the streets, sans smell and blote:

As you can see the streets are nicely paved, and, I think, the rumors
of unusual smell in Czernowitz of old are greatly exaggerated. Why
would there be smell, if a palatial Badhaus was readily available:

However, if you are craving for a really refined company, try the Volksgarten:

And when you will get tired of all this urban craziness of a large
metropolis, take a ride to Bad Lopuszna near Wizhnitz (it will take
less than six hours if the horses are well fed and balagole is not
drunk, may take significantly longer otherwise). There you can enjoy
an open-air performance by a klezmer band:


On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 11:45 AM, HARDY BREIER <> wrote:
> The most interesting map is the oldest.
> 1830 ,
> Hand drawn.
> Streets have no names.
> Czernowitz at its embryonic stage.
> Russischegasse ends at the Peter and Pavel church,
> If there was a possibility I would go and have a look.
> The Blotte was knee high and the smell was not of roses.
> And meeting the inhabitants ! Jewish and not !
> And a good Canon Digital EOS with me.
> Hardy

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