Czernowitzers, here's the latest on the 600th Anniversary Presentation:
1. A PowerPoint presentation file of around 39MB, just about half an
hour of running time is available for your viewing and comments. You
will need either PowerPoint 2003 installed or the free PowerPoint
Viewer installed on your computer to play it. Either does the job and
does it well - there is no difference that I can detect. I was wrong
initially when I thought the viewer came embedded in XP, it doesn't. I
was wrong when I said that the viewer wouldn't do as good a job as the
PowerPoint programme, it does.
If you need the viewer, you can go to:
Be sure to read the instructions. It will run with everything from
Win98 to XP; it apparently will not run with Vista.
If you're using Vista, you can use the same link as above, and scroll
down and download the PowerPoint 2007 version.
2. You can download/view the presentation file by going to:
There are instructions there too. The file you're after is 'total.ppt'
It is a large file and can take a minute or more to start playing on
your computer if you just click on the filename. Much faster to
download it and then run it (about 2 seconds).
3. Give us your comments: If you think a slide should be deleted, tell
us which one and why; if you have something that you believe should be
added, send it to me via email. We don't have a lot of viewing time
left, probably less than one minute in total, but we will consider
all your suggestions. Of course suggestions other than adding,
deleting and re-arranging slides are welcome too!
Who are 'we'? We are Hardy, Bruce and Jerome, you can send additions
to me, Jerome. Before you send anything, please be sure to view the
presentation first and tell us where you think it should go.
Hardy did every stitch of the artistic work in preparing the
individual slides, making the modules, choosing and embedding the
music, etc. It's his magnum opus. I did some technical stuff and Bruce
and I made Hardy nuts with our suggestions.
4. We would like to translate the text that appears at the beginning
of each module into Ukrainian or Russian (preferably Ukrainian). Can
anyone make such pages in Cyrillic and scan it so we can make slides
from it? If so, we certainly would like to hear from you!
5. There are many logistical problems now that must be solved in order
to play the presentation in Czernowitz. Making it is one thing:
getting it over there; getting the equipment together; getting a
venue, plugging it all together, and making it run is yet a totally
other set of problems. We need a computer savvy person on the ground.
I did write to Maita Prout on 15 December, telling her what we were up
to, what the implications were as to equipment, venue, skills, etc.,
but have not as yet heard back. I still have my fingers crossed.
Anyone have any suggestions about a backup plan?
6. I realize that not everyone will be successful in viewing the
presentation for one reason or another. If you can't get things going,
I'll try and help, but there's only so much one can do at a distance.
I suggest strongly that you try and find someone locally in your
neighborhood to help you. Usually high school students can do this
sort of thing with ease, and would be willing to lend a hand.
Sorry this post was so long, Best,
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