Re: [Cz-L] Article in the Washington Post by Czernowitzer Ruth Wisse

From: Robert Burton <>
Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2007 07:48:53 -0500

I have now read Ruth Wisse's piece, and must agree that accomodation
and seeking peace by satisfying demands and requirements that will
almost certainly intensify the dire jeopardy of the situation is a
fool's errand. I think it is fair to observe that, so far, acceding
to demands and requirements without real mutuality is unsafe: the
Oslo Accords provided a bitter lesson.

I think it is also fair to say that Arab and Palestinian political
elements that espouse the eradication of Israel cannot be relied upon
to make any sort of concession in good faith. Unless and until the
mindset of blind irrational hatred to the extent of ignoring one's
own self interest is no longer in existence, nothing is changed. How
one knows when enough progress towards rationality and enlightenment
has been made is something that cannot possibly be answered in the
abstract. But, it would seem to me that the withdrawal of schoolbooks
preaching hatred and the annihilation of Israel might be an
indicator; it would seem to me that a formal and continuing
renunciation of hatred and terrorism might be an indicator; it would
seem to me that a replay of Anwar Sadat's epiphany, understanding of
the value of peace and diplomatic recognition and his trip to
Jerusalem might be an indicator.

For Jews and Israel, the balancing act is doing both - resistance and
shining a light on the values and advantages of peace and security,
to bring about this climate of rationality and enlightenment - at
one and the same time. This can be accomplished by "little" things
like co-operation and mutual training in medicine. (CISEPO, the
Canada Israel Scientific Exchange Program, run by Dr. Arnold Noyek
out of Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto brings Israeli doctors to
Canada and the US to "top up" their skills and training with the
understanding that these will be passed on to the Palestinian and
Arab medical establishment. For a good ten or more years now
Palestinians/Arabs and Israelis/Canadians/Americans - some Jewish,
some not - have engaged in this road to peace and established
relationships and friendships and mutual understanding and respect.)
These little "dirt trails" have the potential to become highways for
peace and bridges for mutual security and prosperity.

We have learned that mere words and even mere agreements can be
tactics to advance an agenda of ultimate and complete eradication of
Israel and the Jewish fact in the Middle East. The problem (dear
Brutus ?) lies not in the Jewish and Israeli elements, but those of
its enemies who have no concept of the advantages of tolerance or
peace. If it's the "little stuff" we need to start with, let it
begin. Let us all pray for an era of rationality and enlightenment -
and security and peace and prosperity for all, that enemies become
neighbors, that borders are mere lines in sand.

Robert Burton

----- Original Message ----- From: "Miriam Taylor" <>
To: "Czernowitz Genealogy and History" <>
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2007 10:09 AM
Subject: [Cz-L] Article in the Washington Post by Czernowitzer Ruth Wisse

>Dear Czernowitzers,
>This article might interest you:
>>Are American Jews Too Powerful? Not Even Close.
>>By Ruth Wisse
>>Sunday, November 4, 2007; B03
- snip -
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