[Cz-L] Czernowitz 2008

From: Gabriele Weissmann <G.Weissmann_at_gmx.de>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 11:57:39 +0200
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History digest <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Gabriele Weissmann <G.Weissmann_at_gmx.de>

Dear Friends,
Yes, Hardy is right, who is to take care of this enormous and
challenging task? The Committe who has organized this year's meeting has
to recover first and
rest on its laurels, then we can think about who would like to
participate. Of course, last year's committee members are more than
welcome to join,
if they feel like it.

There are so many things to consider:
a) is the Czernowitz infrastructure suitable for such a conference?
b) a re there enough hotel rooms for the many international guests who
might be coming - I believe that the interest will be widespread and
many more persons willing to attend than in 2006.
c) Should the conference take place in the Ceremosh hotel, where there
already is a fairly modern conference room - have to find out how many
rooms are actually available.
d) What kind of a conference, obviously not only academic, we should
celebrate, we should make it an exciting and joyful event. Would need
some Jiddish talents
who can convey the savoury of the Jiddish language, some old films,and
maybe there are some records in Czernowitz of Sidi Tal reciting or even
some old film takes of her.( Renee?) Also there are quite a few records
of Jiddish humour, like Tzigan and Schumacher and many others, but
someone would have to explain and translate or interpret, and this asks
for an interpreter, at least one or two, from Jiddish into English.
Below, an interesting story of a conference held in Czernowitz not so
long ago.

   *** In 2001 Helmut Braun, whose latest publication is the book
"Czernowitz" and familiar to many of you, invited us to come to
Czernowitz to celebrate 100 years since Rose Ausländer's birth. It was
well organized and during a week conferences and lectures took place,
some at the University and in other places. Joseph Burg came to the
hotel where we (and a group of interested and well-read Germans (ca. 30)
who had travelled with us from Germany, also the director Volker Koepp),
were staying and read in Jiddish and German from his books, a young
actress read from Ausländer's poems on some stones in the middle of the
Pruth, and other such events.

On the last evening, there was a big celebration at the theatre. The
German and Austrian ambassadors attended, and some persons from the City
Herr Zwilling and Frau Zuckermann came as well, some people from the
Jewish community too, but very few students of German although there
were posters in town and at the University announcing the event.
Probably Rose Ausländer was not read as much as Celan at the time, but I
believe things have changed in the past years. There was consecutive
translation for the speeches, many by Peter Rychlo, poetry reading by
two actresses, my husband played , my daughter sang the Kaddish by
Ravel, it was a long and memorable evening. ***

As we have read from the last info of our list, Joseph Burg was 95 this
year, maybe we are lucky enough to have him speak a little, he loves
speaking about his
life and work, but will his health allow him, will he be able to do it?
e) Whom to invite and by which means - information could be forward
after the proposals and /or answers to the previous points have been
f) Where to collect funds, from which sponsors and how to use them.
One thought - maybe we could, if enough funding available, help to
repair and redecorate
the main hall in the Jewish House so that it would be suitable for a
conference. Which complicates matters too, due to unreliability. Please

g) The Berlin Lauder Foundation informed me a priori that they don't
give money to the former USSR, which includes Ukraine, and that they
don't have funds anyway. But are willing to read a proposed project. I
have a feeling it is always like that in the beginning when you start
h) Has David Mazower received any information from the Cz. authorities
to whom he wrote?
i) When should it take place - best weather is usually May/June. In the
autumn there will be too many things happening due to the town celebrations.

Other things - reading about the desecration of the cemetery in
Czernowitz I wonder if a similar thing happened to the Christian one
just opposite the Jewish one. Probably not.
We just had our car stolen, the police says there are bands of
...Ukrainians.(!!!).. who come to Berlin , and take them quickly over
the border into Poland and further. We won't come by car to Czernowitz.

This long story is ending now and maybe it is some food for thought
...and later action?
Regards from Berlin,

Tel./Fax: +49.30.321 15 38
E-Mail: G.Weissmann_at_gmx.de

Received on 2007-06-22 09:57:39

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