Dear Gabriele,
There are 2 possibilities:
1. The meeting is within the city jubilee ?
2. It is not .
If the answer is yes, many of the administrative problems are
If not , there are 2 possibilities:
1. We hold it during the Jubilee on our own
2. We chose a different date ( before the jubilee).
If we hold the meeting during the festivities we can enjoy all th=
as a bonus , including lengthy speeches in Ukrainean by all the
including top officials from Kiev ( maybe Yushenko !).
Hotels and restaurants might be crowded.
At an earlier date all is easier but no ceremonies.
As to the infrastructure , there are 2 possibilities:
1. We modernize the infrastructure.
2. We leave it as it is.
As most of the old city infrastructure dates from Franz Josep=
times replacing
it would take considerable time and cash.
So we better leave it as it is . All we need is running water =
the hotel room
and coffe at the restaurant.
So far for infrastructure....
Most important : start moving , so many things to decide upon
and don't foget to practice your Yiddish =
Stay well
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gabriele Weissmann" <>
To: "Czernowitz Genealogy and History digest"
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2007 12:57 PM
Subject: [Cz-L] Czernowitz 2008
> Dear Friends,
> Yes, Hardy is right, who is to take care of this enormous and challeng=
> task? The Committe who has organized this year's meeting has to recover=
> first and
> rest on its laurels, then we can think about who would like to
> participate. Of course, last year's committee members are more than
> welcome to join,
> if they feel like it.
> There are so many things to consider:
> a) is the Czernowitz infrastructure suitable for such a conference?=
> a re there enough hotel rooms for the many international guests who mig=
> be coming - I believe that the interest will be widespread and many mo=
> persons willing to attend than in 2006.
> c) Should the conference take place in the Ceremosh hotel, where there=
> already is a fairly modern conference room - have to find out how many
> rooms are actually available.
> d) What kind of a conference, obviously not only academic, we should
> celebrate, we should make it an exciting and joyful event. Would need s=
> Jiddish talents
> who can convey the savoury of the Jiddish language, some old films,and
> maybe there are some records in Czernowitz of Sidi Tal reciting or even=
> some old film takes of her.( Renee?) Also there are quite a few records=
> Jiddish humour, like Tzigan and Schumacher and many others, but someon=
> would have to explain and translate or interpret, and this asks for an
> interpreter, at least one or two, from Jiddish into English. Below, an=
> interesting story of a conference held in Czernowitz not so long ago.
> *** In 2001 Helmut Braun, whose latest publication is the book
> "Czernowitz" and familiar to many of you, invited us to come to Czernow=
> to celebrate 100 years since Rose Ausländer's birth. It was well orga=
> and during a week conferences and lectures took place, some at the
> University and in other places. Joseph Burg came to the hotel where we
> (and a group of interested and well-read Germans (ca. 30) who had
> travelled with us from Germany, also the director Volker Koepp), were
> staying and read in Jiddish and German from his books, a young actress
> read from Ausländer's poems on some stones in the middle of the Pruth=
, and
> other such events.
> On the last evening, there was a big celebration at the theatre. The
> German and Austrian ambassadors attended, and some persons from the Cit=
> Council,
> Herr Zwilling and Frau Zuckermann came as well, some people from the
> Jewish community too, but very few students of German although there
> were posters in town and at the University announcing the event. Proba=
> Rose Ausländer was not read as much as Celan at the time, but I belie=
> things have changed in the past years. There was consecutive translatio=
> for the speeches, many by Peter Rychlo, poetry reading by two actresses=
> my husband played , my daughter sang the Kaddish by Ravel, it was a lon=
> and memorable evening. ***
> As we have read from the last info of our list, Joseph Burg was 95 this=
> year, maybe we are lucky enough to have him speak a little, he loves
> speaking about his
> life and work, but will his health allow him, will he be able to do it?
> e) Whom to invite and by which means - information could be forward
> after the proposals and /or answers to the previous points have been
> received.
> f) Where to collect funds, from which sponsors and how to use them. O=
> thought - maybe we could, if enough funding available, help to repair =
> redecorate
> the main hall in the Jewish House so that it would be suitable for a
> conference. Which complicates matters too, due to unreliability. Please=
> contradict.
> g) The Berlin Lauder Foundation informed me a priori that they don't gi=
> money to the former USSR, which includes Ukraine, and that they don't h=
> funds anyway. But are willing to read a proposed project. I have a feel=
> it is always like that in the beginning when you start schnorring.
> h) Has David Mazower received any information from the Cz. authorities =
> whom he wrote?
> i) When should it take place - best weather is usually May/June. In the=
> autumn there will be too many things happening due to the town
> celebrations.
> Other things - reading about the desecration of the cemetery in Czernow=
> I wonder if a similar thing happened to the Christian one just opposite=
> the Jewish one. Probably not.
> We just had our car stolen, the police says there are bands of
> ...Ukrainians.(!!!).. who come to Berlin , and take them quickly over t=
> border into Poland and further. We won't come by car to Czernowitz.
> This long story is ending now and maybe it is some food for thought ...=
> later action?
> Regards from Berlin,
> Gabriele
> Tel./Fax: +49.30.321 15 38
> E-Mail:
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