[Cz-L] Resource for information - New York Times

From: <Fichblue_at_aol.com>
Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2007 01:13:44 -0500 (EST)
To: czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: Fichblue_at_aol.com

Some of you might like to try using the New York Times archives feature at
www.nytimes.com. If you try searches for Czernowitz, Cernauti, etc., and set the
year range to times you are interested in, you can find articles that cover
wartime and pre-war events. Be forwarned that you do have to pay a fee for the
service. I have found many interesting articles, some including maps. The
articles are only available in PDF form.

One caveat: when I reviewed some of these articles with my late mother, Pearl
Spiegel Fichman, who lived in Czernowitz before and during WWII, she found
some of the coverage spotty as to accuracy regarding events she had personally

Eytan Fichman
Received on 2007-01-06 04:46:20

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