All Reunion participants who are coming to Israel from abroad are welcome to
give their personal testimonies as holocaust survivors at an official,
filmed interview made by Yad Vashem teams.
The interviews are free of charge, and can be done in whatever language one
chooses. They will be held in the Tel Aviv area. A video cassette/DVD are
given to the persons interviewed as a family asset.
It is truly important to thus augment the Yad Vashem archives with
Bukowinian testimonies.
All those who are interested, please write to me soon and state the language
you prefer so things can be arranged quickly while you are still in Israel.
Israelis who wish to do the same are welcome to contact Mr Mosche Schickler
(the secretary of the Radautz organization) at the Reunion (preferably on
the 1st day). Therefore, please do not answer this message.
Looking forward to seeing you all,
Danny Alon
Received on 2007-04-10 09:28:14
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