Just a little remark:
Emperor Franz Josef visited Czernowitz/Bukowina in 1851 (Oktober 21. -
28.), in 1855 (June 29. - July 4.) and 1880 (September 15. - 18.), but
not in 1875.
Quoting Bruce Reisch <bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu>:
>> Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 14:58:30 -0400
>> To: "Ann Rabinowitz" <annrab_at_bellsouth.net>
>> From: Bruce Reisch <bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu>
>> Subject: Re: Fw: Czernowitz, Bukovina
>> Cc:
>> Bcc:
>> X-Attachments:
>> Thanks very much, Ann. I'll pass this along to the group.
>> Best always,
>> Bruce
>>> Dear Bruce:
>>> I posted this to the Galicia SIG not realizing that they wouldn't
>>> accept it as Czernowitz is Romania. I am not a member of the
>>> Rom-SIG digest so cannot post it there.
>>> Here it is for you for your Czernowitz list.
>>> All the best,
>>> Ann Raibnowitz
>>> Miami Beach, FL
>>> annrab_at_bellsouth.net
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ann Rabinowitz" <annrab_at_bellsouth.net>
>>> To: "Galicia SIG" <galicia_at_lyris.jewishgen.org>
>>> Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 7:47 PM
>>> Subject: Czernowitz, Bukovina
>>>> There are a number of interesting resources for learning more
>>>> about your shtetl. One is the Jewish Chronicle Archives (London)
>>>> which entries can be searched, but copies are by subscription
>>>> only. You can go to the following site:
>>>> http://archive.thejc.com
>>>> As an example, I checked on the town of CZERNOWITZ as I know that
>>>> many of you on the digest have family from there. I found that
>>>> there were 279 entries for the town dating from 1859 to 2006.
>>>> Many of the entries were death notices such as the following:
>>>> Aharon (Ervin) APPLEFELD, born 1932, born Jadova, lived Chernovitz.
>>>> Dr. Otto FOKSCHANER, born 1903.
>>>> Rosa ROTH, born 1908, husbands Abraham Hochstadt and Martin Zuckerman.
>>>> Jocheved-Julcze SCHATZ, born 1861, married to Dr. Ludwig Klaar, in 1886.
>>>> Clara SPITZER, born 1907, married to Paul Laufer.
>>>> Other entries reflect historical events such as:
>>>> The fact that in every Austrian province where Jews resided,
>>>> there were Jews in the Diet in 1861. Those elected, for
>>>> instance, were: Herr Markus DUHS, Lemberg; Dr. OETTINGER, Cracow;
>>>> Herr Maier KALLER and Dr. FECHNER, Czernowitz.
>>>> There was a visit of the Emperor Franz Josef to the town in 1875
>>>> to commemorate Czernowitz's addition to the Austrian Empire in
>>>> 1775. The burgomaster of Czernowitz was to greet the Emperor and
>>>> whilst he was a good Christian, he had been born a Jew. There
>>>> were several others who were Jewish and held elected positions in
>>>> the local government. A new university was inaugurated at that
>>>> time and Madame Josephine WAGNER gave 8,000 florins to help poor
>>>> students.
>>>> A challenge to the Orthodox Church by Dr. Joseph Bierer who was
>>>> the founder of Hasmoneans in Czernowitz.
>>>> The arrest in 1927 of five Chalutzim by the Czernowitz military
>>>> court and their sentencing for three days for crossing the border
>>>> illegally into Romania to get to Palestine.
>>>> In 1885 there is a remarkable article describing conditions in
>>>> Romania which mentions, among other things, several travellers
>>>> from Czernowitz who were arrested.
>>>> In 1886, there is a report that there were 416 Christians and 397
>>>> Jews who were involved in various handicrafts in Czernowitz
>>>> putting lie to the reports that Jews were ne'er do wells.
>>>> Various other items are to be found regarding the town and its
>>>> inhabitants. So, it is well worth looking at the site.
>>>> This posting is given to provide researchers with a new source of
>>>> data. I have no further information on this matter and am not
>>>> researching this town as my family is from Borislav and Drohobych.
>>>> Ann Rabinowitz
>>>> annrab_at_bellsouth.net
Received on 2007-06-01 15:49:17
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