Ann Rabinowitz writes:
>>> Many of the entries were death notices such as the following:
>>> Aharon (Ervin) APPLEFELD, born 1932, born Jadova, lived Chernovitz.
Aharon Appelfeld (not Applefeld) is very much alive (to 120!). His
last novel was published in English translation three months ago (All
Whom I Have Loved, Schocken, 2007, The
events in the novel take place in Czernowitz of 1938. The storyline
is largely autobiographical, the nine-year-old protagonist, Paul
Rosenfeld, has a lot in common with the author.
Appelfeld's previous novel, published last year (The Story of a Life, is
autobiographical as well.
Yankl Meilach
Received on 2007-06-01 17:45:14
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