Dear All,
I really think that we should do something about preserving these graves.
Not necessarily in this location, but possibly in the Jewish cemetery.
Last year the head of the Jewish community of Chernivtsi was Lev Kleyman.
He speaks Russian and Yiddish. His phone number is:
38 - 0372 - 57-55-53 or
38 - 0372 - 24-24-13
His Email is:
He has a friend who speaks English and will transmit messages.
Her name is Ludwiga. Her phone number is:
38 - 037 - 227- 2632
The phone number of Chesed Shoshana is: 38 - 0372 - 274-802
There are also two rabbis in Chernivtsi, at least there were two last year.
I have the phone number of Rabbi Menachem Glisenstein, the Chabbad rabbi.
He speaks Hebrew. I will phone him tomorrow morning my time, it is already
too late to phone today. The other rabbi is Rabbi Kofmanski. Possibly one of
you has his phone number.
Would some of you please contact Lev Kleyman or the mayor of Chernivtsi
office. Possibly also the Israeli embassy in the Ukraine?
Received on 2007-09-24 19:08:01
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