Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Dear Maita, Dear all,
I am very pleased that the idea of a video/revolving photo exhibit has been
accepted. As an initial step in assessing the material available for this
exhibit, there is all the material which is already on the Ehpes website,
which I am sure the original contributors as well as Jerome Schatten, the
website master, will gladly allow to be used.
In addition, I suggest that we all of us, make a list of what additional
material we each have in our possession and are willing to make copies of,
for inclusion in the exhibit. These copies should at least initially, be
scanned copies, sent via E-mail. As a deadline, by which these individual
lists should be mailed to Maita I suggest Jan 7th, 2008.
That is, if Maita is willing to have them sent to her directly.
If Maita wants to have a point person to collect all the material,
is there anyone who is willing to be this point-person?
A lot of photographs, copies of documents and historical accounts are
available in the many books which have been published about Czernowitz.
Some of this material could appropriately also be included in the proposed
exhibit. I hope there will be some of us, who will volunteer to make a list
of such material, though we will need to get permission to use material
which is copyrighted.
I think that a thematic organization of the material would be appropriate,
possibly also along chronological order. The exact organization and type of
exhibit, to be decided according to the material available.
If any of us has definite ideas as to what themes should be included
and in what order, I hope they will write to this list and Ms. Prout,
as soon as possible so that if we lack material on a specific theme,
we can search for it from other sources.
I think that Bruce Reisch, our moderator, depending on how voluminous our
correspondence on this project is, should decide on whether it should be on,
or off list.
> Hello,
> We here in Chernivtsi discussed the idea suggested on the site of a
> video/revolving photo exhibit for inclusion in the 600 anniversary
> celebration exhibit, and everyone thinks it's a great idea. We hope there
> is sufficient interest on your part to proceed. I suppose the next step
> would be to decide some basics about what to include, what format to use,
> who will be the point person for your group, etc. Natalia Shevchenko has
> some ideas about thematic organization of the material, but is interested to
> know what your thoughts are. Any and all suggestions about content,
> organization, how to proceed, etc., are welcome.
> Please let me know If you think it would be better to communicate outside
> the group so as not to clog the site.
> Sincerely,
> Maita Prout
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