I have posted to the website the first of six albums titled the 'The
Streets of Czernowitz - Photographs by Edward Turkiewich (Edward
Tur)'. Each album contains around 100 photographs of modern Czernowitz
as seen through the lens of this fine photographer.
Before I tell you how to get to the material, I want to give you some
suggestions about navigating through the album.
1. Each album has a thumbnail page with horizontal and vertical scroll
bars, so you can see all the thumbnails. Each thumbnail is clickable
and clicking on a thumbnail automatically takes you into the album at
that point.
2. Clicking on 'View Album' on the thumbnail page takes you to the
first photo in the album.
3. You will notice that the picture is large and you would need the
horizontal scroll bar to view it all and especially to see the
navigation arrows on the right of the picture. If you had to do this
for every picture, it would drive you nuts. So....
4. If you move your mouse carefully over to the left of the picture,
(between the left edge and the menu), you will see a double arrow come
up <-> . Click and hold your left mouse button and drag the mouse
left. This re-sizes (makes smaller) the menu part, which increases the
space for the photo. Drag it far enough so that you see the navigation
arrows on the right side of the photo.
5. Also, you get a better full screen view if you press the F-11
button on your keyboard. Now you should be set to view all 100 photos
without having to scroll at all. Just navigate with the arrows on the
right side of the photo.
All this sound much more complicated than it is; try it, you'll like
it! If you have difficulties, let me know and I'll try and help you.
Now, here's where the album is: From the menu, click on 'Post WWII
Czernowitz Photographs' -> click on 'Edward Tur' the last item on the
page. This will take you to the first volume.
Or, here's the direct link:
I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I did. There's five more
albums coming.
Finally, to get your page back the way it was, reverse the process you
used to re-size things: press F-11, mouse over to the left side of the
picture and drag to the right until you uncover as much of the menu as
you want.
Oh yes... when you're viewing a photo in the album, if you put your
mouse pointer over the picture, you'll see a 'hand' symbol which
usually indicates that clicking on the picture will present a larger
one. Not true in this case; you'll get an error message. I had to
strip out the originals to keep the size of the album down. No loss,
the pictures are quite large as it is.
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