Plain text please --thanks]
This is not the question. With Balsheesh or other means one could get almos=
t what he wants. G=E9rard Depardieu got recently a Russian Passport - is he=
now a Russian? Or was he before (as he could get this passport as we see)?=
=0AGenerally speaking we could also ask: Are we Ukrainians? Are we Austrian=
s?=0A=0AWhy do we need this determination?=0AI certainly do not consider my=
self being a Romanian or Austrian while my mother was born in Romania, my f=
ather in Austria.=0AWould the condition in Czernowitz been considerably bet=
ter for us and our families to stay there we wouldn't ask those question be=
ing citisens of the state entity in which we would have been living.=0AAlex=
=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A>________________________________=0A> Von: Emil Hitzig <e=>=0A>An: 'Miriam Taylor' <>; 'Arthur von C=
zernowitz' <> =0A>CC: 'Abraham Kogan' <akogan_at_netvis=>; 'Paul Heger' <>; 'Felix Garfunkel' <felixg1_at_pr=>; 'fred love' <>; 'HARDY BREIER' <HARDY3_at_beze=>; 'CZERNOWITZ-L' <> =0A>Gesendet: 16:48 Di=
enstag, 8.Januar 2013=0A>Betreff: RE: [Cz-L] Are we Rumanians ?=0A> =0A>Onc=
e again Mimi is cursing(Your friend is your friend, but to me he is "Un Jid=
an fara principe", who gives all of us a bad name.)=0A>I got back the Roman=
ian citizenship, lost(forced by the Ceausescu's regime) in 1970, when I imm=
igrated to Israel by legal procedure and not paying Baksheesh.=0A>Emil=0A>=
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