Bruce..and thanks to you,Jerome,Edgar and all who correlate the input! I too
feel this collection of information is important...and therefore I would
urge all our "silent" friends to come up with any bits of information,photos
etc. Items that seem trivial may not be...and at least will add to the
total. Cornel
Very well-said Yosi. It's so gratifying to have members like you, who try
to keep the flame burning. The archives of this list will be studied by
historians for many years - starting with Marianne Hirsch and Leo Spitzer
- and there are others on the list as well. Every time you write, you
contribute to our mutual desire to keep alive the memory of our Jewish
On 1/29/13 1:25, "yosi-jerry" <> wrote:
>Dear Greg
>As I said - I am very impressed by your candor, understanding, and
>analysis of the FACTS as you personally experienced them. I too support
>(Saul) of Tarsus' message of Brotherly Love to all mankind. I only wish
>creed would be mutual. Especially with his devotees in Ukraine generally
>Western Ukraine specifically. I'm well informed about the atrocities in
>Lithuania as my wife was there. She refuses to set her foot there. Most
>the many Czernowitzers I know share the same feeling. Despite all that
>for quite a lot of years a member of our group because I think it's
>important that we keep alive as long as possible the memory of our Jewish
> Yosef Eshet, Raanana, Israel
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