Re: [Cz-L] Resilience

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2013 14:54:32 -0500
To: cornel fleming <>
Reply-To: Miriam Taylor <>

The statue of Franz Joseph, currently on the Ferdinand Platz,
was given as a present to the city by Arseniy Yatsenyuk,
a Chernivtsi born and educated young politician, when he ran
for office of prime-minister.
According to Wikepedia, his parents still live in Chernivtsi
and I assume that he knows the population of Chernivtsi very well.
If he gave the city a statue of the Kaiser, it must be, because most
of the population, still regards the Austrian rule as a period
of prosperity and good government.

You can read about Arseniy Yatsenyuk on Wikipedia:

On Feb 3, 2013, at 12:13 PM, cornel fleming wrote:

> Hi Serah! It is not just your grandmother who admired Kaiser Franz
> Joseph.
> When I go to Vienna I usually visit The Kapucziner Grotte...the
> grotto under
> the Capuchin Church where the Habsburg sarcophagi are. I have yet
> to go down
> and not see bunches of fresh flowers at his sarcophagus,and a year
> ago
> there was a bunch with a dedication "From the Officers and Men of
> the---
> Mountain Artillery Regiment". I have seen groups of young
> men,students etc.
> stiffening to attention in front of Franz Joseph before wandering
> on. I own
> the DVD of the funeral of Crown Prince Otto von Habsbug-Lothringen,
> and the
> reaction of a vast number of Austrians must have sent a shiver up
> the backs
> of the current government.I have Austrian neighbours near me in
> London who
> asked to see the DVD...and I think they invited half the local
> Austrian
> community,of all ages.At the end they stood and sang the old Imperial
> Anthem. A comment I overheard.."under the Habsburgs we had a
> Government,
> under the current lot we have a bunch of useless amateurs".
> was/is not just grandma and some old prehistoric Jews. And a final
> reminder
> that a couple of years ago the Ukrainians put up a very nice statue
> of Franz
> Joseph in what used to be the Ferdinand Platz,whatever it is currently
> called. Cornel

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