Re: [Cz-L] Resilience

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2013 14:26:23 -0500
To: <>
Reply-To: Miriam Taylor <>

Dear Hedwig,

Thank you for correcting me, I am sure you are right.
I will get "Jancos Reise" from the library and read it.

I think that during the Holocaust, in all European countries
the persecution of Jews and their murder was closely linked
to a profit motive: Deport the Jews, take their houses, take
their businesses, take their valuables.
Sell them, at very high prices, the bare necessities of life.

 From my own memory:
In the summer of 1941, two Romanian soldiers came to our house
and demanded to search it for weapons. In the ashes of the oven,
they "found" two bullets. My father gave them some money,
after which they left.

A Romanian who had moved to Czernowitz, took over the factory
and store of my grandparents. A Czernowitz Romanian family
by the name of Grecu, the husband was an architect, moved into
the house we had rented during the first Soviet period and in 1944
when they fled to Bucharest took our belongings with them.
Not only a radio, tablecloths and furniture, but also shoes
and dresses belonging to my mother.


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