Dear Hardy and dear all,
it is not only the right of the moderator to block mails if he thinks they are offending, it is even his duty in a moderated list. As somebody who has to take care about websites day by day at my job, I know what I'm talking about. I also know how difficult decissions sometimes are. This has nothing to do with censorship or "political correctness", but with a balance between freedom of speech and rights of people who could feel insulted.
And yes, Hardy, I want you to write again too. You are needed here. Many people expressed this here and they are right. I learned a lot from you, you made me laughing and you made me sad. Sometimes I agree with you, sometimes not - very normal among friends. I appriciate your posts, as well as I appreciate your friendship. So go on!
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Sat, 16 Feb 2013 15:57:04 +0200
> An: Hedwig Brenner <>,, Yosef Eshet <>, Irene Fishler <>, Berti Glaubach <>, Ruth Gold-Glasberg <>, Jacob Greenberg <>, Paula Gris <>, Sylvie GSELL <>, andrew halmay <>, Edgar Hauster <>, Christian Hermann <>,,, jerome <>, Merle Kastner <>, Abraham Kogan <>, fred love <>, Anny Matar <>, Arthur Rindner <>, "alexander rosner" <>, WOLFGANG SCHAECHTER <>, Lydia Schmerler <>, "Cora Schwartz" <CSchwartz_at_LeakeAndWatts.Org>, Sylvia de Swaan <>, MIRIAM TAYLOR <MIRTAYLO_at_INDIANA.EDU>, "Asher Turt!
el" <ashtu@>
> Betreff: [Cz-L] To all list members
> Dear friends ,
> Because of reasons beyond my understanding some of
> my mails are being monitored by the moderator.
> They are wiped out and dont reach you.
> The moderator says the language I use is offending.
> Off topic and very offending.
> I would let you decide on this but it is his list
> and he can do whatever he finds right.
> I therefore stop writing to the list .
> I will write only to people who wish to get my mail.
> Write me.
> I will accept in any language used in Czernowitz and arounds.
> Also pictures ,presentations ( no more links) anything.
> On any topic you wish.
> Hardy
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