Re: [Cz-L] History Question

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 11:44:18 -0500
To: Caryn Wariner <>
Reply-To: Miriam Taylor <>

Hello Caryn,

Probuzna was a very small town or a village in those days.
The two larger towns, about equidistant from it were Tarnopol
and Czernowitz. In the later part of the 19th century, Czernowitz
was more affluent, the Jewish population was less in conflict
and the relationships with the Christian population were better.
It would have been natural to move to Czernowitz.

Please search for more information about Probuzna in JewishGen.
I found photographs and descriptions.
I may have had relatives by marriage, by the name of Sommer,
who were originally from there.


On Feb 25, 2013, at 9:50 AM, Caryn Wariner wrote:

> I am sure this question may have been asked before but since I am
> new to the
> group I thought someone could tell me the answer.
> My family migrated to Czernowitz sometime in late 1890 from
> Probuzna. Can anyone
> tell me why they think my family would have moved there?
> Also I am looking for Winkler's from Czernowitz. I noticed the two
> books by
> Markus Winkler. Does anyone know how to reach him. I would like to
> see if he may
> be one of my Winkler's
> Thanks,
> Caryn Weisinger Wariner
> Weisinger (Czernowitz) (Wein)
> Winkler (Czernowitz)
> Klinger (Czernowitz)
> Kligler, (Probuzna)
> Fried (Delatyn)
> Kaminer (Delatyn)

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