[Cz-L] Stetls in Galicia

From: Elan&Miriam Lava <melava1_at_netvision.net.il>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 21:44:19 +0200
To: czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu
Reply-To: Elan&Miriam Lava <melava1_at_netvision.net.il>

Dear list members,

Perhaps you can help with a problem that I was unable to solve:

My second cousin, Eldad GILDENER, is trying to find out if he is related to a woman who lives in LOndon, and who's surename is also GILDENER. That woman's great-grandfather was born in ZURAWNO, GALICIA, ( which I located in our
"The Encyclopedia of Jewish Life, Before and During the Holocaust". {a Lexicon}). Eldad's grandfather was born in BUSDWIANA - which has no entry in that Encyclopedia, and does not appear on internet.

Do you know perhaps if this Shtetl - BUSDWIANA - appears also under another spelling/name, and if by any chance this place is not far from ZURAWNO?

Eldad and myself will be very grateful with any answer.

With hopes that all of you had a joyful Purim,
many blessings,
 Miriam Lava, Israel

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