[Cz-L] From local press on Sadagora

Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2013 06:36:11 +0300
To: CZERNOWITZ-L <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>

International Center Hasidic planned to create in Chernivtsi.
The question of the transfer of the Center for free use in the synagogue
Sadhori. This was discussed at a meeting to consider the appeal of a
religious organization "Community Ru?in? Sadhora religion " , according to
the information and public relations of the City Council. known from
historical sources that in the mid-nineteenth century. Sadhora become one of
the leading centers of Jewish culture, which is associated with the arrival
here in 1842 Hasidic preacher (tsadika) Yisrael Friedman of Ru?in?
(1796-1850), founder of the Hasidic dynasty Friedman. He was the grandson of
the founder of Hasidism Yisrael Ben Eliezer of Medzhybozh, received from his
contemporaries the name Baal Shem Tov (good name of owner). Nearby, on the
street. Jan Nelepky placed Jewish cemetery, which occupies an area of over
14 hectares. Here is the tomb tsadika Friedman, who is the subject of
Hasidic pilgrimage from all over the world (Cemetery is constantly visited
by foreigners from the U.S., UK, Romania). Streamlining cemetery supervised
charitable fund " Heart to Heart " , Charitable Foundation " Mirja " cares
burial place tsadika - ohilem. Sadhirska synagogue-residence I. Friedman
currently included in Chernivtsi tourist routes, guided tours. currently
building are in poor condition, started repair and restoration work on these
objects of cultural heritage Chernivtsi not completed, conducted scientific
research.Given the unique historical, spiritual and cultural heritage of the
former residence sadhirskoho tsadika and necropolis near it, the Commission
will waste transfer conditions for free use of religious buildings on the
street.Entrepreneurs, 192-G Chernivtsi


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