I received the correspondence below today. If you can help Susan, please =
respond to her privately at the address below. I have explained what
resources there are on the website, but perhaps you have more specific
information about the synagogues for her?
My husband was born in Czernowitz in 1940 and left in 1944, eventually
reaching the USA. (We now live in Israel). He is travelling to
Czernowitz next week with some other family members and hopes to find the =
place where he lived. He knows it was very close to the Volksgarten at
the top of a hill and by one of the "Kaserne" (I think a military
barracks) and that his father attended a synagogue very nearby. I could =
not find any information on any synagogues in Czernowitz other than the
main one, but there must have been many others. Do you have any
information/addresses/maps, etc. The names of his parents were Isser and =
Frieda Brettschneider.
Many thanks for your help.
Susan Brettschneider
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