Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Thank you Jerome for providing us with this invaluable help.
Marcel Brettschneider lived in Czernowitz in the same building as I.
I have not seen him since 1944 or 45 and I probably last saw his mother
in 1956. Nissim, nissim ve-neflues!
Thank you, thank you,
> Czernowitzers...
> I received the correspondence below today. If you can help Susan, please
> respond to her privately at the address below. I have explained what
> resources there are on the website, but perhaps you have more specific
> information about the synagogues for her?
> Best,
> jerome
> ================================================
> My husband was born in Czernowitz in 1940 and left in 1944, eventually
> reaching the USA. (We now live in Israel). He is travelling to
> Czernowitz next week with some other family members and hopes to find the
> place where he lived. He knows it was very close to the Volksgarten at
> the top of a hill and by one of the "Kaserne" (I think a military
> barracks) and that his father attended a synagogue very nearby. I could
> not find any information on any synagogues in Czernowitz other than the
> main one, but there must have been many others. Do you have any
> information/addresses/maps, etc. The names of his parents were Isser and
> Frieda Brettschneider.
> Many thanks for your help.
> Susan Brettschneider
> Please reply to: martzelb_at_gmail.com or to susanb_at_knesset.gov.il
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