Thank You very much for the information.
Happy hannuka
איה שטיניג מסיקה
הספרייה למדעי החברה =
אוניברסיטת תל אביב
טל. 03-6409537/5505
נייד 052-5787234
מאת: jerome schatten []
נשלח: ו 07/12/2007 04:37
אל: Aya Steinig;
נושא: Re: [Cz-L] request Information - Chernovich ghetto
Hedwig.. I'm forwarding this to Aya, and also to the group as there
was considerable discussion on this.
------- Forwarded message -------
From: "Hedwig Brenner" <>
To: "jerome schatten" <>
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] request Information - Chernovich ghetto
Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2007 08:20:13 -0800
Hi, Aya, I was in the Ghetto Czernowitz, so I can give you the
informationon the 10.Oktober, Czernowitz was sorroundet by jandarms,
for the
eventually exodus of jews, than on the 11 okt. all the jews moved
into the
Ghetto in 10 hours, on the 11 Okt. began the transports to the railway
station, and further to the Dnjester,
the Ghetto was dismantled the 15 November, after the intervention of
Dr.Traian Popovici. Hag sameah and Shabat shalom Hedwig Brenner
Received on 2007-12-09 07:51:55
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