Re: [Cz-L] Somewhat off-topic, query about Judaica dealer in Brooklyn

From: Gary Rogovin <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 15:21:51 -0800
To: Madelon <>
Reply-To: Gary Rogovin <>

[Please post in Plain Text -- thanks]


Hello Madelon,

I would strongly advise against giving your credit card number to anyone =

over the phone. Firstly, you do not know who you are speaking with (the=20
person could give you a false name where their intention is to =
use your credit card) and secondly you can't see their face, which would =
a problem if you need to identify the person in police photographs or a=20
lineup should you became a victim of identity theft. If you live in=20
Brooklyn, you can simply visit the store in person and purchase the =
If you do not live in Brooklyn or within NY City and for convenience =
need to make a purchase using your credit card, you would want to find =
the name of the owner of the store independently of calling the store =
asking for his or her name. Every business that sells to the public in =
City (all the boroughs) must have a valid business license. You can =
the NY City Dept of Consumer Affairs Licensing Division for NY State at=20
212-487-4104 and ask them if a business license has been issued to the=20
Mizrahi Bookstore located at 3114 Quentin Rd, Brooklyn, NY 11234 and if =
what is the name of the owner.

Gary Rogovin

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