Re: [Cz-L] Radauti help

From: <>
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 17:10:28 +0100
Reply-To: <>
To: SylvieGsell <>

[Please post in Plain Text --thanks]

Bonjour Sylvie,Bonjour a tous

I am new on this list
My father and his brother are born at Czernowitz (Cernauti)and they lived a=
t this place during their youth(until they came to France) but their mother=
 was from Kolomya ,and their father from Suceava.
It was a real and great pleasure for me to see all the photographs of your =

When i will have some time i will sent to the list some picture of my famil=
y of Czenowitz.To day i send you just the "carte de mester"(but what it's m=
ean?)of my grand mother Maria Herbst

For Sylvie,

She is french like me for this reason i write in french
J' ai fait des recherches sans succes sur la premiere femme de mon pere:Gre=
te ester Intner n=C3=A9e en 1910 morte en sept 42 =C3=A0 Auschwitz,deport=
=C3=A9e avec mon pere de Bordeaux par le prefet Papon
Je sais que sa famille etait de Radauti.
Je ne connais que le nom de sa mere:Gusta Gutl(1881-1917)qui est enterree =
=C3=A0 Wien.
J'ai trouve sur Yad Vachem un page de testimony faite par sa tante Hennie I=
Mais je ne suis jamais arriv=C3=A9e a trouver quelque choe d'autre sur sa f=
amille.C'est comme si elle avait ete completement effacee.
Donc je suis tres demandeuse d'informations a leur sujet.Je sais que ses pa=
rents avaient une maison a Radauti

Au plaisir de vous lire


> Message du 16/03/13 =C3=A0 12h17
> De : "Sylvie Gsell"=20
> A : "Mitcheisenberg"=20
> Copie =C3=A0 : ""=20
> Objet : Re: [Cz-L] Radauti help
> Dear Mitch,
> I will travel in Romania and Ukraine at the end of april.
> i will stop in Radautz and if you send me details about your family, I wi=
> look for your records.
> My family on the mother side was also from Radautz : my grandfather was
> furrier.
> Yours
> Sylvie
> Sylvie Reicher Gsell

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