Hi Ilana,
Thanks for the wishes,
I found in an old cooking booklet, written by my late mother 60 years ago..
2 receipts of Schnettenrorte:
here they are, but the quantities are in Gramm, like we used in Europe...
1. 210 Gr.butter, 280 Gr.flour, 140 Gr.sugar, yoke of an egg, , put the
dough for 10 min. in the frigidare, then cut the dough into 3 parts and bake
every part
2.260 Gr.butter, 430 Gr.flour, 250 Gr.sugar, 4 yokes, 50 Gr.grounded nuts.
cut the dough intp 8 parts, bake every part very quick...
The filling for both:
3. 1 and a half glass sugar, mixed with 2 glasses sour crème, some vanille
sugar, or vanilla.essenz, 150 Gr grounded nuts.
After filling the baked plates, let them for one night in the
frigidare...more they stay more are tasty,
I am baking very quick on the revers of a pan,
Bon apetit and Hag Pesah Sameah
-----Original Message-----
From: ilana_at_wordwizardsinc.com
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2013 5:13 AM
Cc: Czernowitz Discussion Group
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Lotte's Schmettentorte
Marianne,thanks for sending this recipe! I've been asking my mother of she
has my grandmothers recipe but she couldn't remember the recipe. I'm sure
this will suffice.
Sent from my iPhone
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