Is based on the first Chapter ot Michael Wex book Born to Kvetch,
Kvetchenzaij bakluguen is nit blois a shpas, oder di enfert tzu shlejte tzeiten oder shvirikaiten. Kvetchen is a leiben stil dos hot gurnisht tzu tien mit di meiglijkait tzuoisfiren dos vos nen vil oder men zujt in leiben.
Kvetchen, complaining is not just a joke, or the response to problems or difficult times. Kvetchen is a way of living that is not related with the possibility of accomplishing what you want or what you pursue in life.
Men ken zij kvetchen as men is zat oder ven men is hunguerig, ven men is tzufriden oder ven men ist un glicklich, es ist a mitle of tzu vissen est ist a mitlle zeij tzu zorguen vos kickt oif di velt mit colierte gleizer.
One can kvetch when one is satisfied or when hungry, when you are happy and content, it is a way to worry kind of looping into the World with colored glasses.
Kvetchen is a weig oid tzu aroisbreing a bisl fargueniguen bay backluguen zij, men tit of tzelujesder velt, a velt vos ist nisht fraindleich oder michet deij,
Kvetchen is a means to extract some satisfaction by complaining, a means to annoy the world that doesn’t like you or disturbs you.
Will continue.
Isidoro Zaidman