Florin Dyrda from Boian, a graduate of the Chernivtsi National Yuri Fedkovych University both in history as well as in computer systems and networks, is the creator/webmaster for a huge number of websites related to the history of Boian. A couple of days ago Florin drew our attention to his posting (in Romanian laguage) on the former Synagogue of Boian, erected at the end of 19th century and destroyed by the Russian Cossacks during WW1. Florin’s fine investigative skills led to this detective work:
In addition a list of Jews from Boian, compiled by Prof. Vasile Bizovi, is available at the site above and can be downloaded by clicking here. No doubt about, Florin’s perception of history is from a Romanian angle of view, but his websites focussed on history, churches/synagogies, schools, traditions, today’s life, photos, videos and events offer a wealth of material around Boian. Don’t miss Florin’s links/websites:
Boian Map Room: http://www.mareleboian.com/istorie/imperiul-austro-ungar-1775-1918/harti/
Museum of Boian in Alberta/Canada (English): http://www.boianalbertamuseum.com/
Bukovina Open Air Museum (English): http://bukovina-museum.com/en/