Ghetto List by ZRBG (German Social Security Ghetto Pension)

Holocaust survivors who voluntarily worked in a ghetto located in a territory occupied by or integrated into the German Reich may apply for two types of compensation payment: The Ghetto pension pursuant to ZRBG (German Social Security Ghetto Pension) and the Payment to victims of persecution in recognition of work in a ghetto. Please be aware that as of July 18, 2014, substantial changes to the Ghetto pension pursuant to ZRBG have been signed into law which are described below.

1. Ghetto pension pursuant to ZRBG (Law Regulating the Conditions for Pension Payments on the Basis of Employment in a Ghetto)

2. Payment to victims of persecution in recognition of work in a ghetto which did not constitute forced labor

The articles “Ghetto: Financial Compensation for voluntary Labor in a Ghetto” by the German Missions in the United States and “German Social Security Ghetto Pension – ZRBG” by the Claims Conference provide additional information.