Here’s what Hedwig says about her new book and the radio interview:
In the emission named “Von Tag zu Tag” (From day to day) ORF 1, on 19 July at 14.05, I think I will speek about the “Paradigma Czernowitz”.and from
the public are coming question, I had one 6 years ago, on 18.Juli at 19. will be opened a big Internationnal Exhibition at the Moja Museum for Modern Art, in the Palace Schoenborn (not Schoebrunn), Renngasse 4, where my son Paul has also 2 pictures, there are 6 israelis, than at 23.July , 19.00, at the bookshop-cafe “Tiempo Nuevo” Taborstr.17 a, I present my book”Zum Andenken und Nachdenken (for memory and reflection), Annexed the invitations.
Now these are the attachments that came with Hedwig’s email. It was hard to recover all but one of the attachments as they were in a Microsoft proprietary format which I don’t have access to. I’ll spare you the gruesome details.
Since my German is worse than my Yiddish, I’m hoping that I got the order of things correct. The forth photo should have been in the photo of the first page; It’s the jacket of Hedwig’s book. You will notice that there are also some strange characters in the text that never got converted correctly in the processing. It ain’t poifect, but hopefully, you can make sense out of it.