Auschwitz Survivor Stranded in Czernowitz

22.11.2012: Here’s the documents concerning my grandpa. On the first page you can
see him during his honeymoon with my grandma. The following documents
are all the pages taken from Yad Vashem. Thank you everybody. Rivka

22.11.2012: The thing is that we don’t actually know if he was REALLY seen on
22nd july 1946 or if it was something registered ON 22nd July, which
would mean he was seen long before that date in Czernowitz. I can
scan the document as soon as possible so you can see….
On the space left for writing the “date” there’s a stamp with that
specific day (July 22nd).
On the place left for BBC Date there’s written “MKB” which should
actually means “Medical Knowledge [Data] Base, which means he ad the
examination from CRI – Italian Red Cross, and apparently he was still
in health.
I’m sending you all of my new documents soon, also I can send you
some pictures of him if you want to….
Thank you so much for all that you’re doing, my family and I are
appreciating this SO MUCH. Take care

22.11.2012: Dear Edgar, thank you so much for your reply and for your support.
The few documents we have today are taken from the Gestapo archives and
his name’s been written from CRI – Croce Rossa Italiana (italian red
cross) I guess during a medical examination. As far as i know now, this
archive’s been secret until the last few months, when Germany decided
to give it to Yad Vaashem. So after the WWII we have no more infos on
him. Knowing that he was still alive in Czernowitz is a very new thing,
and also a new point to start again with our research.
Also i’d love to know if there’s any archive from the hospital in Czernowitz or if
there’s any psichiatric hospital in that area… I’m really looking in
any direction……
Thank you so much, i really appreciate what you’re
doing for me and my family. Take care

16.11.2012: Hello, my name is Rivka Spizzichino, I’m writing you from Italy hoping to have some information from you. I’m a jewish woman, and part of my family was killed during the deportation. My grandpa, he was deported in Fossoli then Auschwitz, but we know for sure he didn’t die there. He was supposed to go back to Italy with a group of men, but unfortunately he decided to go back to Rome via Russia. Then on his way back home we have no idea what could ever happen to him, since he never came back to Rome. Since that time, he was and still be lost. I’ve been looking for him since I was 15, asking to archives and doing all I possibly could to know even a day more about his life. Recently I knew from Yad Vashem archive in Israel that he was surely still alive in Czernowitz, during 1946. Then I found you. I was wandering if you have any information, photo or any kind document that could possibly be related to him. That would either be amazing if you canl ink me to someone who possibly does. Thank you so much in advance. Grandpa Details: