In May/June 2010 Julius Großmann from Heidelberg in Germany made a journey through Poland, Ukraine (including Czernowitz), Moldavia, Romania, Hungary and Austria. Nothing of note? Sure! It was a BIKE RIDE: 24 stages (Czernowitz = stage no. 6 on p. 17 – 24), cycling 3,600 kilometers with 23,000 metres in altitude. Incredible! His illustrated trip report (in German) is available for download here.
As an additional result of his journey, Julius compiled the existing Google Earth Czernowitz map with the 1907 street map of Czernowitz, available in our map section. A new mapping experience arose from this ingenious compilation process, so the new
Overlay Czernowitz 1907 Map
colorful, with wonderful 3-D effects and lots of clickable pictures is now online! Click here in order to download your Google Earth (kmz) file and open/run it with Google Earth. You will get map views as displayed below and you’ll be able to navigate, simulating a sightseeing flight over Czernowitz. Thank you, Julius, our “flight captain”!

For all Google Earth newcomers, please navigate as follows:
- Press “Shift” and “Page Down” or “Page Up” to adjust the viewing angle.
- Zoom in or out by pressing “+” or “-“.
- Turn left or right by pressing “Shift” and “Home” or “End”.
- Click on any picture dot in order to enlarge the pictures along the roads.
- Enjoy the sightseeing flight over Czernowitz!

Map Compilation: Google Earth + Bukovina 1910 – DOWNLOAD