From Irene Fishler
My first contact with Lucca and our first meeting.
Everything happened in November 2005, thanks to… Ehpes !
—– Original Message —–
From: Irene
To: Lucca Ginsburg
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 10:26 PM
Dear Lucca,
My name is Irene Fishler and I live in Haifa. 2 weeks ago I joined the Czernowitz2006 Group. Today I looked at your photos-collection on the Cz.- L group site. Since then I am going through a big excitement, I hardly calmed down. It’s about the Meisler Schule.
Tante Lea was my mother Leonore (Lea ) Ehrenkranz , geb. Kraemer.
Frau Singer was my beloved Tante Flora (geb. Kraemer).
Frau Direktor Meisler was their Tante Berta, my grandmother’s sister. It was a women- family- business and a teacher’s dynasty. I myself was for 26 years a teacher in Haifa, now retired…
Where do you live in Israel? I’ll be pleased to talk to you. What language do you prefer: Hebrew, Rumanian or German?
Can you please write your phone number? When do you like me to call?
Best wishes
Dear Irene,
I think that I am not less excited than you were when looking at the Meisler schule photos!
I published them – I think – more than a year ago and up to now nobody reacted, I so hoped to hear from a previous school friend – and now, here, I get a much more exciting reaction from someone who was part (at least indirectly) of my early and really so happy years of my childhood!!
I loved “Tante Lea”! And Mrs. Singer, oh well, what can I tell you? Up to the present time I thank her in my heart for my fluent written German (as an executive secretary in foreign languages she contributed to my profession)/ One of my most priced possessions is a letter I received from her which arrived from Bucharest to the small island in the Caribbean where I spent 8 years with my parents.
Generally, those years in the Meislerschule were the happiest of my childhood because, as you know so well, our troubles started in 1940, when I was 10 years old. I never managed to visit the Carmen Sylva Lyceum which my parents had chosen for me!
My mother language is still German, I am also still fluent in Rumanian, but do not have much opportunity to use it. I too live in Haifa, for the last 1 1/2 years in the Elisha Towers (not due to health problems but due to personal tragedy, which I will tell you about.) I have one daughter plus family in San Diego, I just returned from there two weeks ago, and I have a married son in Frankfurt . My telephone number is 8100703, cellphone 052-3800531 unfortunately I often forget it at home …
Please, PLEASE, Irene call me! Elisha is full of activity, fitness center, swimming pool, all kinds of programs every day at 6 p.m. I do whatever I can! Best time to reach me is from 1 p.m. to 2, or in the evening after 9.
I am so looking forward to hearing from you.
In the meantime a hug,