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Introducing Centropa’s AudioWalk – Chernivtsi

Explore the rich Jewish heritage of Chernivtsi

Developed by Centropa, the Bureau of Memory Culture, the Chernivtsi Museum of the History and Culture of Bukovinian Jews and NGO Mnemonics, this AudioWalk allows you to learn more about the unique multiethnic history of Chernivtsi, a city which today is located in southwestern Ukraine, but was once part of the Habsburg Empire, and known for its vibrant Jewish life.

This AudioWalk tells the Jewish history of Chernivtsi through eight personal stories of Jewish Holocaust Survivors who shared their memories in Centropa interviews. They will be your guides through the town, and to the places you are about to visit.


The Nazi Collaborator Monument Project • Nazi Collaborator Monuments in Romania



• Albert Wass (Vas) – ACNSAS, File P. 1127, ff.31-34. (pdf.37- 40)
• Ion Antonescu – ACNSAS, File P 13250, vol. 2, ff. 363-499. (pdf. 460-595)
• Radu Gyr – ACNSAS, File P.77 , vol. 10, partea a II-a, ff. 309-356. (pdf. 367-415)
• Vintilă Horia și Visorion Puiu – ACNSAS, File P 751, vol. 8, ff. 121-147. (pdf. 142- 168)
• Mircea Vulcănescu si Gheorghe Jienescu – ACNSAS, File P 232, vol. 13, ff.29-68. (pdf.54-93)

Commemorative Medal for Emanuel A. Ziffer, “Father of the Bukovinian Railroad System”

It is due to the great commitment and tenacity of Paul Brașcanu that the Romanian State Mint has coined a commemorative medal in honour of Emanuel Alois Ziffer, the “Father of the Bukovinian Railroad System”, in an edition of only 23 pieces (3 silver / 17 copper alloy). More details about the project can be found in the (Romanian) project description just here. In due consideration of his engagement related to the acknowledgement of Emanuel Alois Ziffer’s role as the “Father of the Bukovinian Railroad System”, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Romania decorated Paul Brașcanu by the Medal for Friends of Jewish Communities of Romania in 2014.


1941 Siberia Deportation List – Mayer Ebner

From Zlila Ebner- Helman:

I have send a copy of a part of  the archive of my Grandfather Dr. Mayer Ebner and my Father Dr. Josef Ebner to the museum of Czernowitz (attached example[s]). a lot of Documents & old Photos & Articles etc… between 1899 – 1940 – besides those of 1940-1955.

The  document [below] was an urgent  request  of M. Ebner  to Nahum Goldman and Stefan Whise  to save the deported people to SIBERIA

More examples from Archive of M.Ebner

8 June 1930 – Senator Ebner speech at Rumanian Parliament

1926-7 Ebner the Head of Jewish Community in Czernowitz.

For more on Mayer Ebner (photos and documents) see our website:

Thank you!

Zlila Ebner-Helman





From Leah Rosenberg


My name is Leah Rosenberg and I live in Israel. I am the daughter of Luba (Nissenbaum) Rosenberg and Jonah Rosenberg. My grandfather David Nissenbaum owned one of the textile factories in Czernowitz before confiscation by the Nazis. I do not know the name, but so I was told by my mother. My mother’s sister, Sala Weinblum and my uncle Shlomo Weinblum was a partner of the original ownership of Trinaco before the war. My family in Czernowitz survived due to employment and their managerial positions in the factory/factories. The other members of my family were Pola and Yosef Lehr, Jacob and Regina and their young child Yitzchak. Sala and Shlomo Weinblum also had a young child Ami who now resides in the US by the name of Abraham Enav and is a member of your Blog.

I am searching for more information to piece together an accurate account of my family’s life during the holocaust and also to share it with the archives at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem.

From left to right: Pola Lehr, Regina Nissenbaum, Ami Weinblum (aka Abraham Enav), Sala Weinblum, Luba Rosenberg (My Mother)

My Father, Jonah Rosenberg


Switkes and Tartakower Families of Czernowitz

To Czernowitz-List Members
I am looking for members of the Switkes Family who were born or who lived in Czernowitz prior to World War II. The Switkes family was possibly related to the Tartakower family, also of Czernowitz.
Elias Switkes married Emilia Katz, a member of my family.
They were, perhaps, in Lviv and then moved from Lviv to Leipzig. Elias and Emilia were then deported from Leipzig and murdered.
Their children and / or grandchildren may have survived.
I have attached a photograph of a boy taken in the early 1900s.
I believe he may have been the son of Elias and Emilia.
Please contact me if you know anything about this family.
Best wishes