From Zlila Ebner- Helman:
I have send a copy of a part of the archive of my Grandfather Dr. Mayer Ebner and my Father Dr. Josef Ebner to the museum of Czernowitz (attached example[s]). a lot of Documents & old Photos & Articles etc… between 1899 – 1940 – besides those of 1940-1955.
The document [below] was an urgent request of M. Ebner to Nahum Goldman and Stefan Whise to save the deported people to SIBERIA

More examples from Archive of M.Ebner

8 June 1930 – Senator Ebner speech at Rumanian Parliament

1926-7 Ebner the Head of Jewish Community in Czernowitz.
For more on Mayer Ebner (photos and documents) see our website:
Thank you!
Zlila Ebner-Helman