House of Commons Debate on the Struma Disaster on March 11, 1942
Tag Archives: Palestine
The “Jewish Olympic Games” 1932 vs. 2013
On behalf of Irene Fishler: The Romanian delegation to the 19th Maccabiah Games, the “Jewish Olympic Games” in July 2013 numbered 7 athletes.
The Romanian delegation to the First Maccabiah in March 1932 numbered 14 people. All came from Czernowitz. Only 5 were active athletes: Hornik ; Rissen; Ella Fleischer; Alma Münster; Edi Gaster . What was the task of the other 9 sportsmen? According to “Der Tag”, Czernowitz, March 27, 1932 edition, they will perform some special ‘shows’ …
“Die 1. Jüdische Sportolympiade in Tel-Aviv: „Makkabiah“ [S. 7, unten, links]: Ein neues Wort, das in der Sportbewegung geprägt wurde und das interteritoriale Zusammentreffen aller jüdischen Sportler der Welt bedeutet. Am 28. März beginnt in Tel-Aviv die erste Makkabiah, die sich nunmehr zu einer ständigen Einrichtung einbürgert, um alle vier Jahre die besten jüdischen Sportler um die Siegespalme in allen Sportdisziplinen im Wettstreite beisammen zu sehen. Der Czernowitzer Makkabi hat es sich zur ehrenvollen Aufgabe gemacht, eine Anzahl seiner besten aktiven Sportler zur Makkabiah zu entsenden. Es war leider nicht möglich, eine allrumänische Fußballmannschaft zu entsenden, da die gegenwärtige wirtschaftliche Situation dies Vorhaben vom materiellen Standpunkt unmöglich machte. Am 20. d. M. fand im Studentenheime eine Festsitzung statt, in welcher die Aktiven Abschied nahmen. Hunderte Menschen waren gekommen, um von ihren sportlichen Exponenten Abschied zu nehmen, und ihnen Glück zu wünschen, daß sie, ehrenvoll den rumänischen Kreis vertreten, da nur Makkabi Czernowitz, Rumänien durch seine Aktiven repräsentiert. Unsere Sportgemeinde erwartet, daß die Sportler sich ehrenvoll schlagen werden. Die Hoffnung liegt auf den Turnern Hornik und Rissen, die den turnerischen Zwölfkampf bestreiten, auf den Sportlerinnen Ella Fleischer, der Bukowinaer Meisterin im Sperrwurf, auf Alma Münster, der Bukowinaer Meisterin für die Kurzstrecken und nicht zuletzt auf unserem einheimischen Tennisspieler Edi Gaster, einer bekannten Firgur im rumänischen Tennissporte. Wohl wird Edi Gaster die Ehre haben, einen Prenn, Tennismeister Deutschlands, der sein Land beim Davis-Cup so ehrenvoll vertrat, einen Hecht, den czechischen Tennismeister, als Gegner zu haben, und hoffen wir, daß es ihm gelingen wird, sich ehrenvoll zu placieren. Die restlichen Sportler werden in Sondervorführungen den rumänischen Sport repräsentieren, wir sind gewiß, daß sie vollen Erfolg haben werden. Am Mittwoch, den 23. März hat die Gruppe die Reise angetreten. Zur Abreise am Bahnhofe war eine hunderköpfige Zahl von Personen erschienen. Unter den Anwesenden bemerkte man den Präsidenten der Bukowinaer Region der Jüdischen Reichspartei, Herrn Dr. Mayer Ebner, den Vicepräsidenten der zionistischen Landesorganisation, Herrn Dr. Leon Schmelzer, den Deputierten Dr. Manfred Reifer, Herrn Ingeneur Schindler, den Präsidenten des Makkabi Czernowitz u. v. a. Die Abreise von Constanza erfolgte am 24. März. Die „Dacia“ das offizielle rumänische Schiff zur Makkabiah, legt am 28. d. M., 10 Uhr vormittags in Haifa an. Am gleichen Tage um 2 Uhr nachmittags wird die erste Makkabiah eröffnet.”
For Sale to Humanity – 70,000 Jews
Publishing License for “Die Stimme”
Elias Weinstein • Eyewitness of the Holocaust
Palestine Maritime Lloyd Ltd. Haifa
The Har Zion could take 110 passengers.
(Israel’s National Maritime Museum)
The boat was sunk in 1940.
Ferry boat brings Har Zion passengers into Tel Aviv port.
The ship is identified in the caption as a “Jewish Agency ship”.
Har Zion passengers arrive in Tel Aviv. The Har Zion (built in 1907) and its sister ship Har Carmel were owned by the Palestine Maritime Lloyd shipping company, formed in 1934. The company and its ships were Jewish owned and operated under these principles:
1) Management according to business and professional basis.
2) Company to involve itself in the process of the building of the country
3) Company must be owned by Jewish interests
4) Ships will be under “Hebrew” flag
5) Crews will be Jewish
6) Ships will be supplied by local products
The Har Zion was mobilized by the British navy at the outbreak of World War II. In August 1940, on a voyage between England and Nova Scotia it was sunk by a German U-boat. Thirty-seven crewmen perished, including 17 Jews.
Prominent Visitor at the Turn of the Year!
At the turn of the year 1932, Henry Ludwig Mond, 2nd Baron Melchett, pays a visit to Czernowitz, accompanied by his secretary, a son of the famous poet and Zionist politician Berthold Feiwel.
Henry Ludwig Mond, 2nd Baron Melchett, 10.05.1898 – 22.01.1949, was a British politician, industrialist and financier. Henry Mond was born in London, the only son of Alfred Moritz Mond, 1st Baron Melchett, and his wife Violet. He first visited Palestine in 1921 with Chaim Weizmann and subsequently became an enthusiastic Zionist, contributing money to the Jewish Colonization Corporation for Palestine and writing for Zionist publications. He became President of the British Zionist Foundation and made financial contributions to Zionist causes. He was the first President of the Technion in 1925. Melchett founded the town of Tel Mond, now in Israel.
Henry Mond With His Father and Two Sons
Statue of Lord Melchett in Tel Mond
He was educated at Winchester College. From 1915 he served in World War I with the South Wales Borderers but was wounded in 1916. He then joined some of his father’s businesses, becoming a director, and from 1940 to 1947 chairman, of Imperial Chemical Industries and he was also a director of the Mond Nickel Company and Barclays Bank. He served as Member of Parliament for the Isle of Ely 1923-24 as a Liberal. He then became a Conservative and was Member of Parliament for Liverpool East Toxteth from 1929 to 1931. On the death of his father in 1930 he succeeded to the barony becoming the 2nd Baron Melchett. He then set about restoring the family finances and moved his interests away from politics to economics.
Having been brought up in the Church of England, he reverted to his family’s Judaism in the 1930s and became a champion of Zionism, hoping that the Jews and Arabs could live harmoniously with each other. He advocated the evacuation of Jews from Germany to Palestine and supported the formation of an independent state of Palestine as part of the British Commonwealth. He was chairman of the British Agency for Palestine and took an interest in the Maccabean Jewish youth organisation. He married Amy Gwen Wilson, from South Africa, in 1920. She was described as: “a show stopping beauty and artist”.
They had a London home, Mulberry House in Smith Square, Westminster, which had a work of art by the era’s proment artist Charles Sargeant Jagger on display in their living room. This revealed a sensational secret that led to censure and outrage. They indulged in a ménage à trois with writer Gilbert Cannan, a friend of D H Lawrence. Paying homage to their sexual proclivities, they commissioned a 1.6m high relief from Jagger called “Scandal”. This showed a naked couple in an intimate embrace watched by society ladies in a state of outrage. The work was bought by the Victoria and Albert Museum for £106,000 where it is on display.
Mulberry House – Lord & Lady Melchett’s London Residence
They had had two sons and one daughter. The elder son, Derek, was killed in a flying accident while he was serving with the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve in 1945. Mond bought and restored Colworth House on the edge of the Bedfordshire village of Sharnbrook and lived there for twelve years. During World War II he made the house available for the recuperation of American nurses and to house Jewish refugees.
Colworth House
He sold the house to Unilever in 1947 due to his wife’s conviction that moving to Florida would restore his health. He died at Miami Beach, Florida in 1949 and the title passed to his surviving son Julian.
Released by Edgar Hauster, based on Eric Turner’s article for the APOLLO MAGAZINE, dated 22.09.1009, published by The Esoteric Curiosa.