Source: The Russian-German Project to Digitize German Documents in the Archives of the Russian Federation
Category Archives: Military
Transylvania, Bukovina and Bessarabia during the Great War
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WW 1 – My Grandfather
From Gabriele Weissemann
This is a photo of my grand-father reading the “Tagespost” – Der Vormarsch gegen Rußland” (Daily Post – Offensive against Russia).
He too, did his military service in Austria, somewhere near the Brenner Pass, and he was able to bring his wife and two children to stay for a period, close to him, in a peasant’s home.
Ain’t Love Grand?
Cannons at the Gates of Bukovina [Tunurile la porțile Bucovinei]
From Jean Weightman:
I have attached two photographs of a medallion I found among my mother’s things. My mother was born in Czernowitz in 1913. Her parents and maternal and paternal grandparents were all Czernowitzers from around the mid 1850s.
The medallion could be Romanian, Austro-Hungarian, German or something else.
It looks like a coin with the tiny photograph fixed to one side and decorated with enamelled Forget-me-nots.
I wonder if anyone from the list is able to identify the gentleman – possibly a monarch – and the coin. I cannot find a date on the medallion. It may have been on the side that was later decorated with the photograph and the flowers.
Thanks and best wishes to all.
Jean Weightman
Romanian Ghosts – Photo Archive
By way of Sid Seidenstein:
The Race to Save a Hauntingly Beautiful Photo Archive
Costica Acsinte was a Romanian army photographer during World War I who, following his discharge, opened a small commercial studio in Slobozia, about 80 miles east of Bucharest. For two decades after the war, he was likely the only professional photographer in the county, and by the time of his death in 1984, he had built an archive of epic, anthropological scope containing upwards of 5,000 glass-plate negatives and several hundred prints.
Here is the link to the Time Magazine article:
And here is the link to the digitized photos:
When you get to the Album you will see many large thumbnails. Click on any one of them for a full screen presentation. To navigate through the photos use the left and right arrows that appear when your mouse is to the left or right of the photo.
K&K Juden
By way of Peter Elbau and Cornel Fleming:
Aus dem Rundbrief Nr. 113 der ARGE Feldpost Österreich-Ungarn, Autor: Horst Taitl
[From the circular letter No. 113 of the Working Field Post Austria-Hungary, Author: Horst Taitl]
Click on the link below:
Juden in der Armee
Jews in the Austro-Hungarian Army as seen through WWI military conrrespondence. — in German with photographs.
Inf. Reg. Erzherzog Eugen
5 WWI photos from Hedwig Brenner
The 2 brothers of my mother, Rudolf and Emil Fuerstein. Handwritten by Rudolf: For remembering on our accidental meeting in Laibach, the 21.4 .17, your faithful brother Rudi. (was already lawyer Emil was 10 years younger, at 18 he went as volunteer, called an Einjaehrig-Freiwilliger)
WW1 Before going to the battle: In the second row, in the middle, with some blackbook? in the hand, is my mother’s cousin Dr. Norbert Gross, from Czernowitz.
Emil Feuerstein with other soldiers. Standing (back row), the first of right is my 18-year-old uncle.
Reverse side of photo above: *Note — if you can translate the cursive script on this card, please do so and leave it as a comment for this post. I will then add it to the caption text –jerome
Here’s the translation from Hedwig:
Translation :
One-year-volonteer Feuerstein Emil 41.I.R.7/27 11.K.
Dr.Josef Miseles LAi J.R.No.41
6 one-year-volonteers of 11/27 M ch, who are leaving to-day at 1 ocl. noon for the war school.
On the bench are sitting the mister officers of the 2/27 41 I r i
For friendly remembrace yor faithful son, Miliu
Uncle Rudi (Rudolf Feuerstein) wounded, has a little story: When he was going to war, my grandmother put around his neck a small medallion on a golden chain, as a talisman. In the battle the chain was broken, so he put the medallion in the left pocket of the uniform. Suddenly came a bullet straight to his heart, burned a hole in the uniform and was stopped by the medallion. But an other bullet made a deep wound in his leg, so he was in the field-hospital. The commander gave him the uniform as a remembrance.